THE eUNO rules
THE rules changes from THE rules to play UNO EGame.
The elders of UNO adapted THE Olympic rules for confined athletes who still want to train.
Those are not going to be used in UNO Olympic games.
UNO athletes can now challenge themselves through any webcam app.
Rule change 1
Because there is no geographic sitting anymore, a path through players must be decided at the beginning to know who is on the "left" and "right" of each player
Rule change 2
Each player need a deck of card and will have his own DRAW pile and DISCARD pile
When a player plays he uses the top card of the previous player DISCARD pile for the matching rule or the action to take, but discards on his own DISCARD pile
Rule change 3
There is no dealer but now there will be a Judge.
Lots of actions (interceptions, UNO etc...) can be subject to interpretation (connectivity issues, or same time card play), one player will be designated the Judge
The Judge will decide the outcome of a dispute when deemed necessary. The Judge doesn't have to be fair and can serve his own game through his decision.
Once a dispute is resolved the person on the "left" of the judge becomes the new judge for the next decision.
The Judge replaces the dealer in THE rules and starts the game.
Rule change 4
When a 7 or 0 is played, each player concerned by the exchange count the cards left in their hands, announce the number, put them on the DISCARD pile and takes new cards from the DRAW pile of the numbers of the previous players' hand.
The player who played the 7 or 0 puts, that card on top of his DISCARD pile for reference for the following player.
Of course don't forget to say UNO if necessary.